Three Civil Rights Icons History Almost Forgot
Members of The New Orleans Four
Gail Etienne, Leona Tate & Tessie Prevost
photo credit Peter Forest

On the 60th Anniversary of School desegregation the City of New Orleans celebrated Civil Rights Pioneers The New Orleans Four (Gail Etienne, Ruby Bridges, Tessie Prevost and Leona Tate) with a Proclamation Ceremony. District E City Councilwoman Cyndi Nguyen brought forth the resolution to proclaim NOVEMBER 14TH New Orleans Four Day and the City Council of New Orleans voted unanimously to do so.
60th Anniversary of New Orleans School Desegregation
photo credit Peter Forest
The New Orleans Legacy Project 3-Part Docuseries

In early 2021, during the Covid-19 shutdown, Diedra Meredith and Lisa Spagnuolo Melillo, Executive Producer of "Voices of the Civil Rights Movement" met via email. Until that time, the 3 members of The New Orleans Four (Gail Etienne, Tessie Prevost and Leona Tate) were not included on this platform. In fact, many Civil Rights & Children's Museums don't include them and there's NO MENTION of The New Orleans Four. The team at COMCAST NBCUNIVERSAL worked closely with Diedra and her team at Fish Pot Studios in New Orleans, to setup cameras, lights, sound and online feeds to film their interviews.
The response to their interviews was remarkable! The team at COMCAST NBCUNIVERSAL reported that their segments were the most watched segments with over 1 million views! Thanks to this collaboration, Gail Etienne, Tessie Prevost, Leona Tate and the namesake of The New Orleans Four has been RESTORED in Civil Rights History. They are finally starting to gain more recognition and EQUAL acknowledgement to Ruby Bridges. Now, more and more, people are beginning to say their names and thank them collectively as THE NEW ORLEANS FOUR.
Please watch their interviews below:
All Videos
New Orleans School Desegregation: Through a Mother’s Eyes

New Orleans School Desegregation: Through a Mother’s Eyes

School Desegregation: A 6-Year-Old Faces Angry Crowds